Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Notes from April Jackson

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday was a very important day for me and the nation....It was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's Birthday Celebration and The first African-American President Barack Obama's Inauguration for the 2nd time. We as a ppl and a nation have so much to be thankful for not because this is a Black man, but because he is an intelligent man, who has be called by the ppl to run this Nation......Dr King had the dream, and President Obama is the dream...The song We Shall Over Come rings so eloquently in my ears...for we are not just as a ppl overcoming, but as a nation, breaking barriers that at one time would have never ever been broken, white man and black man sitting down discussing the issues of our country, women holding jobs that one time they would have not been qualified for, why because men did not think women could to do the jobs as well as they could, and also money was a factor, they knew women would want the same pay, for doing the same job! I also speak about Peace and Freedom for all ppl, I also so speak for equality for all ppl, should we be judged by the color of our skin, or the contents of our hearts, or even the knowledge of what we know and how well we work! I also had a dream it is that the City of Salisbury would become a city that we can be proud of ,less crimes, more businesses, more jobs....beautification of our city which means all of Salisbury ...can we do this? Sure we can,...There is no doubt in my mind all we have to do is get on one accord..and consider what works for Salisbury and not us individually. Let's focus on what works for this great city we live in, so others will wish to move in, visit and bring in revenue....We Can Make it WORK! Thanks you so much for your time......................April Jackson for City Council "MAKING IT HAPPEN WITH ACTION".....VOTE APRIL JACKSON
